

Innovation and Technology Commission (Open link in new tab)

Campaign Partner:

The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups (Open link in new tab)


HKSTP (Open link in new tab)





Activity Enrolment

Ans: Both physical workshops and physical parent-child workshops require enrolment. You can sign up and activate account through the event website innocarnival.hk for enrolment. You may also enroll the activities on-site on the day of the workshop. Quotas are limited and will be offered on a first come first served basis.

For the online seminar, you can also sign up and activate account through the event website innocarnival.hk for enrolment. However, if you are failed to reserve online, you may watch the live broadcast for free through the InnoCarnival YouTube channel on the day of the event (the link that directs to YouTube channel will be provided on the website homepage).

Ans: For visiting onsite exhibition booths that showcased by local universities, R&D centres and government departments in Hong Kong, no pre-registration and admission ticket is required. You are welcome to visit the exhibition directly. (For group visits, it is recommended to submit the "Group Visit Registration Form" through the event website.)

Ans: All the physical workshops, physical parent-child workshops and online seminars are designed for different targeted grade range. Please enroll the activities according to the participant's grade.

The onsite exhibition booths are open to the public, so there is no age restriction. You are welcome to visit the exhibition on your own.

Ans: You can enroll physical workshops or physical parent-child workshops on the event website innocarnival.hk now. Limited quotas left, don't miss out.

You can now sign up and activate the account on the event website in advance. Please sign in your account for enrolment. Online quotas are limited and will be offered on a first come, first served basis while quota lasts. In addition to online enrolment, limited quotas will be reserved for physical workshops for on-site registration on the event day of Saturdays and Sundays. On-site quotas are also limited and will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis.

Ans: You can enroll online seminars on the event website innocarnival.hk. Open for Online Enrolment Now. Limited quotas left, don't miss out. You can now sign up and activate the account on the event website. Please sign in your account for registration. Online quotas are limited and will be offered on a first come, first served basis while quota lasts. Members of the public who fail to enroll the online seminars can also watch the live broadcast for free through the InnoCarnival YouTube channel on the day of the event (the link that directs to YouTube channel will be provided on the website homepage).


The enrolment methods are divided into (I) online enrolment (please sign up and activate the account now) and (II) on-site registration, details are as follow:

Online enrolment

On-site registration

(limited quotas)

Open for Online Enrolment Now. Limited quotas left, don't miss out.

  • You can sign up and activate your account for registration now. Online quotas are limited and will be offered on a first come, first served basis while quota lasts.
  • Each participant could reserve a maximum of one physical activity on the same event day (no matter it is a physical workshop or a physical parent-child workshop, it is considered as ONE physical activity).

  • Limited quotas will be reserved for physical workshops for on-site registration on the event day of Saturdays and Sundays. On-site quotas are limited and will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Details will be announced in due course. Please pay attention to the announcement on the “Latest News” of the event website.

  • You can now sign up and activate the account on the event website innocarnival.hkRegarding the timetable of physical workshops / physical parent-child workshops and important notes of online enrolment, please click here for more details.


Enrolment methods include (I) online enrolment and (II) watching the live broadcast on YouTube on the day of the event. Details are as follow:


Online enrolment

Watching the live broadcast on YouTube on the day of the event

Open for Online Enrolment Now. Limited quotas left, don't miss out.

  • You can sign up and sign in your account for registration on the event website innocarnival.hk now. Online quotas are limited and will be offered on a first come, first served basis while quota lasts.
  • Public members who fail to enroll the online seminars can also watch the live broadcast for free through the InnoCarnival YouTube channel on the day of the event (the link that directs to YouTube channel will be provided on the website homepage).
  • You can now sign up and activate the account on the event website innocarnival.hk. Regarding the timetable of online seminars and important notes of online enrolment, please click here for more details.

Ans: Each participant could reserve a maximum of one physical activity on the same event day (no matter it is a physical workshop or a physical parent-child workshop, it is considered as ONE physical activity). The deadline for online enrolment of activities is three days before the event date. The quotas will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis while quota lasts. The deadline for online reservations is three days before the event date. The grade of participants should fall into the targeted grade range of activities. Time interval between reserved activities must not be overlapped (including physical activities and online seminars). Meanwhile, each participant could reserve multiple online seminars on the same event day. The deadline for online enrolment of online seminars is three days before the event date. The quotas will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis while quota lasts.

Ans: No. Schools can only register for non-parent-child physical workshops and online seminars.

Ans: No, all physical workshops / online seminars must be enrolled through the event website (innocarnival.hk). The quotas for each activity are limited and will be offered a first-come, first-served basis. If there are still quotas left on the day of the physical workshop, schools could enroll the workshop at the on-site registration counter on the 2nd floor of Building 10W, Phase 2, Hong Kong Science Park (on-site registration start time: tentatively scheduled to be 9:30 a.m. on the day of the event). On-site quotas are limited on a first come, first served basis while quota lasts.

Ans: An email with login guideline and information will be automatically sent by our website system to the registered email address of your account three days before the start of the online seminar. Please forward the email to the students who participate the seminar.


If you have successfully enrolled for physical workshops / parent-child workshops / online seminars, it is not available to change the enrolment record for any workshop/seminar. However, you can sign in your account and enter " Manage My Booking" to cancel the original reservation and then re-enroll the activity of your choice.

Please note that all the physical workshops / parent-child workshops / online seminars have limited quotas and offer on a first-come, first-served basis while quota lasts. Cancellation for enrolled activities is not available three days before the start of the activities / after the deadline for enrolment.

Ans: No. You can refer to the timetable of workshops on the event website for more details.

Ans: There is no playback of the physical workshops. The playback of online seminars and some online workshops are available on both event website and YouTube Channel. Please pay attention to the announcement on the event website for more details.

Ans: If the quota of online seminar is full, you can watch the live broadcast for free through the InnoCarnival YouTube channel on the day of the event and no reservation is required (the link that directs to the channel will be provided on the website homepage). Please pay attention to the announcement on the event website.

A: If there is a high level of website traffic on the start day of online registration, you will be redirected to the "Virtual Waiting Room" to queue up for entering the website. Please click here for the important notes of online enrolment.

A: Both will be launched in 2025. Please pay attention to the announcement on the event website (innocarnival.hk) or subscribe for our latest e-news when signing up an account. We will send out the latest information of InnoTech activities via email from time to time.

Please note that the enrolment of InnoTech DIY@Home Learning Kit is only applicable to "Type A: Families / Small Groups / Individuals " account, while "Type B: Schools / Groups / Charities" accounts can only enroll the online workshops.




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